


professional competence, terminological competence, Latin, terminology, future nurses


The article points out the specifics of future nurses’ terminological competence development by using Latin medical terms. Mastering Latin medical terminology is obligatory for intercultural communication particularly in the nurses’ professional activity. The course “Latin and the Basis of Medical Terminology” contributes to the future nurses’ development of linguistic and terminological culture during professional training.

Modern requirements include mastering the professional language (terminology) for specialists in different fields of knowledge.

Understanding between colleagues and the qualified treatment often depend on the ability to formulate correctly special information orally or in written form, and the ability to be able to communicate professionally with co-workers more fluently and more confidently. Knowledge of professional terminology helps to gain a deeper understanding of specialized literature and to develop professional erudition. Nowadays, it is necessary to use methods allowing to optimize the educational process due to the most effective use of allotted time for the nurses’ terminological competence development.

The nurses’ terminological competence is developed during the study of the course “Latin and the Basis of Medical Terminology”. It will help nurses master Professionally Oriented Study Programmes: Anatomy, Histology, Therapy, Clinical Courses, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, etc.


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How to Cite

Vorona І. І., & Kolodnytska, O. D. (2020). LATIN AS A COMPONENT OF FUTURE NURSERS’ PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION. Medical Education, (2), 148–152.



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