cognitive activity, project activity, personal-oriented learning, independent work, interactive technologies, educational processAbstract
It has been investigated different approaches to the definition of the concepts of “cognitive activity”, “cognitive functioning” and “cognitive autonomy”. Their comparisons have also been made. As a result we have found that cognitive function as a form of mental activity is aimed at cognition, perception and thinking of the learning subject. Cognitive activity is characterized as a personality trait that manifests itself in its relation to the process of cognition, readiness and desire for cognitive activity. It is proved that cognitive autonomy is a quality of the personality, which is inherent in the desire and ability without the help (independently) to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, to solve tasks.
The means, methods and conditions for improvement of students’ cognitive activity are determined i.e. a game as a way of activating cognitive functioning, project method, cognitive tasks, modeling, independent work, vocabulary work, web quest technology, project activity. It is concluded that all of them are focused on the students’ creative work, on the avoiding of the standard form of conducting classes and changing of thinking and participation of both the student and the teacher. It is noted the essential role of the teacher in the process of using such activities while working with students. The contemplative and guiding functions of the teacher in the learning process are distinguished. The importance of creating a work atmosphere comfortable for all participants is emphasized.
Emphasis is placed on the fact that cognitive activity begins with activity, independence, initiative, desire to know more, go beyond what is already known. It is noted that the relationship between the student and the teacher has moved to the subject-subjective level, which enables the student to independently plan his/her activity, predict the results, be responsible for the final result of learning i.e. knowledge acquisition, comprehensive development and ability to work.
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