Latin sayings, education of professional culture, future doctors, theme groups of aphorismsAbstract
The research is aimed at deepening and extending the knowledge regarding interpretation of Latin sayings and their role in the formation of future doctors’ professional culture. The use of Latin idioms for healthy lifestyle promotion since antiquity has been analysed. The aphorisms, one way or another characterizing human physical health, are divided into four theme groups depending on the meaningful context.
The first group is represented by the phrases, in which human health is directly related to food and hygiene. The second group of aphorisms calls for constant work both physical and mental, since it is regular and unceasing work on oneself that can lead to physical and spiritual health. The third group is aimed at human physiological health and formation of decision-making capacity with regard to enhancing one’s health, as well as developing habits and, further, need for keeping to hygienic rules and maintaining neatness of one’s body. The fourth group symbolizes hard work and patience for the sake of victory over one’s own nature.
Upon the analysis of the meaning of the word “health” in the Latin phraseology, it has been determined that organism integrity and strength are the main health characteristics. Peace of mind, good sleep, healthy food, moderate eating and drinking, as well as hardening, ignoring worries, cheerful disposition, loyal friends, physical exercises, etc. are needed for maintaining healthy lifestyle.
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