


professional education, future doctors, moral principles, educational space


The article reveals the issue of moral principles formation during professional education, the concept of moral characters of a specialist in the field of medicine as a system of moral qualities and actions.

The aim of humanitarian education is to form the future doctors’ needs for continuous education, development of general culture, formation of professional and communicative competence, legal consciousness, tolerance, humanity. In addition to the aesthetic, such training also has a moral impact on the younger generation of doctors, helping to understand the internal state of the patient. The importance of moral principles in the medical profession are found out. It is revealed that the principle of collegiality in medicine contributes to the development of professional and ethical culture of medical workers. Theoretical aspects of this problem are considered.


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How to Cite

Humenna, I. R., & Nakhaieva, Y. M. (2020). THE MORAL PRINCIPLES FORMATION OF FUTURE DOCTORS DURING THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. Medical Education, (2), 56–60.



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