



distance learning, foreign (English, German), vocational training, Moodle platform, future doctors


The article deals with the problem of the use of foreign (English, German) language distance learning for the training of future doctors. It has been analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of modern distance learning for students, teachers and higher educational institutions (oriented learning, personalization and differentiation of pedagogical activity). The main normative documents that regulate the development of distance learning in Ukraine are proposed. Great attention is paid to the problems and methods of distance learning, peculiarities of learning a foreign language by means of distance learning, some issues in the practice of teaching a foreign (English, German) language in the distance educational system for students of non-linguistic specialties on the basis of educational platform Moodle (types of activities offered by the platform, external resources useful for the use of distance learning in foreign languages). The concept of an adaptive approach to distance learning as a motivational factor in learning foreign languages ​​is characterized.


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How to Cite

Fedchyshyn, N. O. ., Yelahina, N. I., & Permyakova, O. H. (2020). DISTANCE LEARNING OF FUTURE DOCTORS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE: CHALLENGES OF TIME. Medical Education, (2), 32–39. https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2020.2.11144



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