



Herbartianism, J.-F. Herbart, pedagogical views, curriculum, theory and practice


The proposed article offers an assessment of J.-F. Herbart and Herbartians in the history of pedagogy of Germany, pre-revolutionary Russia, and Ukraine; the influence of the doctrine of J.-F. Herbart and Herbartians on the development of pedagogical science; borrowing ideas of these representatives in school education, namely the processes of formation, changes in directions, ideas, principles and tasks of the educational process; structural and substantive features of Herbartian pedagogy are revealed. It has been outlined the ways of popularizing Herbartianism in European countries and the significance of the theoretical heritage of Herbartians in the modern history of pedagogy.


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How to Cite

Fedchyshyn, N. O., & Protner, E. (2020). HERBART AND HERBARTIANISM IN EUROPEAN PEDAGOGY: HISTORY AND MODERNITY. Medical Education, (2), 25–31. https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2020.2.11143



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