


project, method, critical thinking, pros and cons, learning effectiveness, educational technology, teacher's role


The issues of the “project method” in the context of the past and the prospects for further use in the educational process have been considered. It has been suggested the interpretation of the terms “project”, “method”, “project method” based on the generalization of definitions of many researchers. It has also been found out that a project is a comprehensive way of exploring different topics as while working on one main topic, others, which are no less important, are identified in the course of the activity and in-depth study of the issue. It has been indicated the effectiveness of the “project method”, its dependence on the level of preparation due to the subject of study since the participants must possess certain skills and experience for its implementation. The main stages of the project-based learning process are outlined. It has been highlighted the role of the teacher in project training. It is emphasized that the teacher performs contemplative and directing functions while executing the project, and his main goal is to create a working atmosphere that is comfortable for all participants. It is noted that the project method, like any other method used in the educational process, has both advantages and disadvantages. The information about the founder of William Kilpatrick's “project method” is given. It has been emphasized that W. Kilpatrick suggested organizing the educational process as an appropriate activity in the social environment, focused on the enrichment of individual experience. Information on “smart cards” and their relation to the “project method” is presented. It has been stated the essence of reference schemes, which allow to cover a certain issue in the most complete way, help in memorizing, supplementing, associating, visualizing information. It is supposed that the application of this method allows to unite children, learn how to work in a team, develop the ability to express their opinions, formulate a willingness to take different approaches to one topic.


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How to Cite

Protsyk, H. M. (2020). PROJECT METHOD: PAST AND FUTURE. Medical Education, (1), 67–71.

