resort and recreational potential of the Carpathians, children, adults, public medical care, health improvement, health care, sportsAbstract
In the early twentieth century in the Carpathian region, a system of mass public medical education was developed, covering all areas of the medical care system (sanitary and hygiene segment, health and physical education, movement for sobriety, etc.), which has been constantly evolving and improving. These areas of work were a real contribution to the conservation of the gene pool of the Ukrainian people. The established system of medical-preventive (clinics, dispensaries, hospitals, laboratories) and consultative establishments confirmed the importance of organizing public medical care of Ukrainians; the most vulnerable of the Ukrainian population (children, participants of national liberation struggle of Ukrainians, disabled people, widows, orphans, peasants, Ukrainian teaching, students, etc.) could receive free medical help (or for a small fee) here. The idea of physical education was an integral part of the philosophy of Ukrainian health conservation. An effective remedy and form of health care in Galicia was the rehabilitation of children and adults in the mountainous terrain in “settlements”, “villages” and other public institutions performing health and medical functions. Ukrainian public (usually class) societies made a significant contribution to the organization of recreation for their members, as well as the provision of health (usually urban children) in the Carpathians. The purpose of the study is to trace the development of public medical care of children and adults based on a comprehensive analysis of socio-cultural and educational processes in the Carpathian region at the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries; to express resort and recreational potential of the Carpathians; to determine the possibilities of using this historical experience in the current conditions of reforming the education and medicine systems in Ukraine.
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