ethic, deontology, interactive methods of studying, pharmaceutical specialistAbstract
The article considers the use of the Interactive Discussion method during seminar discussions in the Ethics and Deontology in Pharmacy discipline with first-year students of the Pharmacy Faculty. It is stated that this method provides an opportunity to thoroughly address the issues raised and equally involve all the participants into discussion, regardless of the level of their training, abilities, character etc. This is an important advantage because it is rather difficult to access all students when applying a traditional approach in a class due to the complexity of study material, the number of people in a group and the duration of a class (1.5 hours). Meanwhile, comprehensive understanding of the study material by all students is a vital part of training qualified pharmaceutical specialists.
Nowadays, in the competitive environment, pharmacists are required to know and successfully apply service standards, commercial technology, sales psychology, profound presentation skills, ability to handle conflicts etc. After all, quite often consumers get angry due to the lack of required medicine or its excessively high price and provoke the pharmacist behind the counter to conflict. Such problems can be successfully resolved provided the pharmaceutical specialist keeps their behavior ethical and communicates politely in a particular situation.
The article describes discussing situational tasks as an element of the Interactive Discussion method. The participants were divided into groups and did the following tasks in a row: “Working in pairs”, “Role playing”, “Finding a solution” and “Writing an essay”. When answering, the students displayed creativity solving situational problems, considering them from different angles (of a patient, pharmacist, pharmacy manager, doctor). At the end of the seminar, students were interviewed about the feasibility of using this method in teaching the Ethics and Deontology in Pharmacy subject (Advantages, Disadvantages, Questions). The students provided positive feedback on the productivity of the teamwork.
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