medical physics, problem training, competence-based approachAbstract
An important component of basic training for a future physician is medical and biological physics, since the development of students’ natural-scientific thinking is carried out during learning of this subject. Medical physics is studied during the first year at the medical school. At the beginning of the learning, students have to know basic theories in physics considered in secondary schools. The scientific and physical picture of the world formed during the learning of natural sciences at school and it is only expanding and deepening in the higher institutions. Therefore, the principle of continuity of learning physics in the system of continuous education is realized. The peculiarity of the didactic approach to learning physics at a medical university is mostly caused by the fact that the physical essence of the phenomena of nature is the basic for the physicist, and a man is the object of study for the medical practitioner. Physics acts as a fundamental natural science discipline for medical practitioners, and the main thing for them is the ability to use physics to solve professional problems. The teachers of the Department have prepared new educational and methodical resources for the subjects taught in the department. Much attention is paid to the practical aspect of the possible use of the acquired knowledge in the future activity of the physician, and the latest achievements of physical science in the field of medical diagnostics and treatment are reflected in new manuals. The use of elements of problem learning is a form of practical training in the department. The creation of problem-solving situations activates the cognitive activity of students at the class. The ability to diagnose the disease correctly plays an important role in the physician’s professional activity. Most diagnostic methods are based on physical laws, theories, scientific facts, as well as physical properties of objects and patterns of physical phenomena. So, there is a need to train a diagnostic activity of the future physician at the stage of learning medical physics. In this aspect, we apply a competence-based approach. The foundations of diagnostic competences are laid in it.
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