


information system, evaluation methods, testing, foreign students, international education


Improved teaching and objective assessment disciplines through innovative education and computer technology. Training of foreign nationals with a high level of practical competence is one of the important factors for further development of the educational institution in the direction of integration into the international educational space.

Introduction of the information system of the complex semester test exam for the final assessment of knowledge of foreign medical students in order to improve the quality of training of doctors from among foreign citizens in the undergraduate stage.

The number of international students is increasing annually. Undergraduate training of foreign doctors is carried out for six years. The level of practical and professional competences of foreign students has allowed to improve a number of introduced new learning technologies that continue to be improved.

The use of innovative assessment technologies for foreign students in the undergraduate stage of physician training allows to objectively determine the level of knowledge.

Comprehensive multi-level approach with appropriate software makes it possible to achieve the objective evaluation discipline, data processing and interpretation of results. The complex application of the latest information and pedagogical technologies allows to significantly increase the level of training of foreign citizens.

Improving the success of international students in the learning process testifies to the effectiveness of teaching methods and technologies, as well as the emergence over time of objective motivation to acquire sound knowledge and skills.

The experience of implementing an independent final assessment system with a sufficient level of objectivity can be used in further studies on the development of educational information systems to improve the quality of undergraduate physician training with effective management of the educational process.

The experience of implementing an independent final assessment system with a sufficient level of objectivity can be used in further studies on the development of educational information systems to improve the quality of undergraduate physician training with effective management of the educational process.


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How to Cite

Selskyy, P. R., Volska, A. S., Klishch, I. M., Selskyy, B. P., Buryachkivskyy, E. S., & Kurylo, K. I. (2020). INFORMATION SYSTEM OF SUMMARY EVALUATION OF KNOWLEDGE OF FOREIGN CITIZENS ON UNDERGRADUATE STAGE OF TRAINING OF DOCTORS. Medical Education, (4), 46–50.

