



factors of professional choice of pharmacist, multistage education


The paper deals with dynamics of professional choice factors for the students of pharmacy during the multistage education from the degree of junior specialist to the degree of master. Prestigiousness of the profession of pharmacist and an ambition to get this specialization are believed to be the most influential factors of professional orientation of the students during their multistage education. Low activity of the self-determination individual expression is caused by a comparatively high family authority on the background of non-systematic school orientation in the field of the future profession selection. A dynamics of the priority factors stays unchanged during the tuition. A need in the well-paid job increases while a deeper involvement in the details of profession develops on the background of a better understanding of the own work duties and decrease of the shallow teenager’s admiration of the profession’s façade. The respondents’ choice was based mostly on their social self-realization ambitions, not on their cognitive interest or abilities. Special attention should be given to increase the parents’ awareness of the importance of the tuition quality for successful professional growth and obtaining the well-paid and highly prestigious position of a pharmacist, which is of high demand on labor market.

The majority of the students is focused on prestigiousness and professional recognition in the field of their future activities omitting proper attention to other subjective reasons. It is believed that the professional orientation should involve students’ parents and show convincing examples of an influence of the education quality on future professional prospects and achievements in course of work on the well-paid, prestigious and highly demanded position of pharmacist. This attitude does not change in course of their education while the aspiration to get a highly paid job and understanding of the own place in the professional system are intensifying. Non-systematized professional orientation obtained from the school psychology consultants, influence of the family values, low level of the own activity and efforts in the professional self-identification are quite common traits for the students of college of medicine. This proves that their attitude towards own choice of future profession remains crude and unformed.


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How to Cite

Perepelytsya, O. O., Chornous, V. O., Yaremiy, V. O., & Kupchanko, K. P. (2020). DYNAMICS OF PROFESSIONAL CHOICE FACTORS FOR THE STUDENTS OF PHARMACY IN COURSE OF THE MULTISTAGE EDUCATION PROCESS. Medical Education, (4), 39–45. https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2019.4.10653

