virtual educational program, computer technologies, Latin, Latin medical terminology, medical studentAbstract
The article describes the effectiveness of using a virtual program in Latin lessons, analyzes the scientific and methodological approaches to using the virtual environment for the learning Latin medical terminology by students in medical schools. The experience of using the virtual program in Latin lessons by medical students is generalized. It was noted that using the virtual programs significantly expands the capabilities of teachers, promotes individualization of training, activating the cognitive activity of students; allows the teacher to tailor the learning process to their individual peculiarities.
Today, considerable attention is paid to the informatization of the educational process in the system of higher education. Using computer technologies makes it possible to organize the information transfer process to students more efficiently, by using all possible channels. The total number of available curricula is significant. Using the virtual program takes an important place in studying. Informatization and computerization of education in the modern globalized world imply both the preparation of the teacher for the using innovative technologies and the student’s willingness to work independently, especially in the process of studying professional terminology. Virtual learning programs can be used in Professional Latin learning as a powerful source of information by means of individualizing learning, evaluating and controlling knowledge, as well as a means of animating students’ creative activity and encouraging them to study. The implementation of virtual programs greatly accelerates the process of mastering the educational material, diversifies it, makes it more interesting. Since the Latin computerized virtual program contains the necessary information from both theory and practice, it helps students to control their knowledge management methodology before the survey, as well as facilitating the assimilation of material in a group.
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