
  • O. Ye. Sichkoriz Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • L. B. Lototska Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • T. S. Kolach Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University



information technologies, medical informatics, postgraduate medical education


Information technology can change the way of study medicine by students and medical professionals. The use of simulation technologies, virtual patients and e-learning in medical education has turned into a pedagogical strategy that promotes an active approach to student-centered learning. Increasing the level of education requires determining which information technologies that promote learning are worthy of use in medical activities.

The purpose of this publication is coverage of the role of medical informatics in the educational process at pre- and postgraduate levels and activation of competencies in the field of computer technology in the training of medical professionals who are interested in becoming experts in the development, implementation and evaluation of information and communication technologies in medicine.

The article also analyzes the importance and possibility of introducing cycles of thematic improvement in medical informatics for students of postgraduate studies. Carrying out such cycles is especially relevant and necessary in the conditions of automation of accounting of medical services, management of medical information in electronic form and will facilitate the development of professional competencies of medical specialists.

Adaptation of medical professionals to the electronic health care system will allow every doctor to use information technology to fully partnership with patients. Training of medical professionals in higher education involves the systematic and holistic formation of information and analytical knowledge and skills of students. Medical informatics as a component of higher medical education should aim for the achievement of effective academic and educational programs for pre- and postgraduate education.

The propagation of medical informatics teaching in educational health care facilities should be accompanied by a clear concerted efforts for a positive impact on all parties involved.

Author Biography

L. B. Lototska, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University


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How to Cite

Sichkoriz, O. Y., Lototska, L. B., & Kolach, T. S. (2019). MEDICAL INFORMATICS AS A PROSPECTIVE COMPONENT OF HIGHER MEDICAL EDUCATION. Medical Education, (3), 91–95.

