
  • A. V. Vykhrushch I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University




didactics, regularity, principle, concept, methodology


The article analyzes topical issues of the organization of the educational process at contemporary universities. The importance of observance of philosophical principles, the fact that each subject has its own history, peculiarities of formation, development, specificity of teaching and learning by students. The article is focused on the conclusions of an outstanding thinker P. Chaadayev, who aptly noticed that for each situation the brain searches standards, comparative characteristics, and in the case of humanities, a person explores himself, has to assess and self-assess in the absence of clear models and standards. An analysis of the content of dictionaries, abstracts of dissertations, monographs, manuals allowed us to draw a conclusion about the existing chaos of the definition of the main concepts. In universities, it is important to use a case method that allows the use of video materials devoted to the performances of famous scientists. This has a much greater impact on the audience than the printed text. Students can observe the process of discussion, the reaction of famous scientist to unexpected questions, paradoxicality of creative thinking. Speeches of famous people are important materials for assessing the advantages and disadvantages of speech, logic and emotional impact on the audience, other aspects of oratory. The general rules for creation of a portfolio useful for a professional and their personal self-improvement are offered. First of all, this is a matter of personality, regarding the content and use; portfolio must be marked by a succinctness. Otherwise, the time for its preparation will outweigh the effect of its use; the structure of the portfolio can be the following: self-assessment (health, advantages, disadvantages), plan, purpose, priority tasks, time, orderly information, necessary to achieve the goal, evaluation of the result, updated program; the main principle of a good portfolio is its practical orientation and helpfulness, primarily for the author. Particularly relevant is the study of the problem of “philosophy of evaluation”.

Author Biography

A. V. Vykhrushch, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University

ORCID 0000-0002-1982-0768

ResearcherID I-9562-2017


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How to Cite

Vykhrushch, A. V. (2019). TEACHING HUMANITIES AT CONTEMPORARY UNIVERSITY. Medical Education, (2), 61–66. https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2019.2.10345

