modern information technologies, electronic educationAbstract
The aim of the work – to improve the quality of medical education through the use of modern information technologies.
The main body. The article presents the role of modern information technologies in ensuring the quality of medical education. The reform of the health care system requires consistent changes in the training of a modern specialist with an appropriate level of competence, knowledge of the theoretical knowledge and practical skills prepared for market relations in the field of medical services provision. One of the most important prerequisites for ensuring the quality of higher medical education is the introduction of a new level of e-learning or “open learning” in the educational process, which is especially important for the training of a modern specialist.
Conclusion. In order to improve the quality of medical education, it is necessary to take into account certain peculiarities of medical e-education, in particular its practical content, standardization of decision-making in the medical and diagnostic direction (protocols of medical aid provision), strengthening of the requirements for acquiring skills of the manager of the medical industry, readiness for work in the labor market and medical services.
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