
  • M. Ye. Kushynska Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University
  • O. Ya. Chupashko Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University
  • Z. D. Vorobets Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University



medical biology, O. Zhurbin, cytogenetics of plants, decorative plants


The aim of the work – retrospective research of course of life and basic directions of scientific activity of O. Zhurbin – the head of the Department of Medical Biology (1949–1970), of Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University.

The main body. The scientific article is devoted sanctified to the analysis of life and science path of the Head of the Department of Medical Biology at Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University (1949–1970), professor O. Zhurbin. The biography is reflected, becoming of O. Zhurbin a scientist is traced and basic directions of scientific researches in industry of botany and parasitology are shown. In particular, an accent on his researches on iodization of vegetable foodstuffs with the aim of prophylaxis and treatment of endemic goiter and atherosclerosis, that did not lose actuality to this day is done. Scientific works of professor O. Zhurbin in relation to a leading out and reproduction of new hybrids of poplars for planting of greenery of cities as well as ecology of specific composition of synanthropic flies and mosquitoes of the Lviv area and Ukrainian Polissia, their epidemiology value in distribution of helminthes and other diseases of a man and analyzed. It is highlighted that new insecticides against flies, mosquitoes and bedbugs were tested offered to sanepidem units by scientific school of professor O. Zhurbin.

Conclusion. This scientific report based on the analysis of archival materials allowed highlighting the pages of the scientific biography of professor O. Zhurbin – the head of the Department of Medical Biology (1949–1970), to analyze his scientific heritage, which concerned current problems of botany and parasitology.


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How to Cite

Kushynska, M. Y., Chupashko, O. Y., & Vorobets, Z. D. (2019). SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY OF PROFESSOR O. I. ZHURBIN – HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL BIOLOGY (1949–1970). Medical Education, (1), 169–171.



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