
  • A. V. Vykhrushch Ternopil National Economic University
  • T. I. Horpinich I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • J. Smyla Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce




career guidance, professional choice, occupational prestige, student, Minor Academy of Sciences, university


The aim of the work – to consider the historical peculiarities of the formation of career guidance system, to generalize foreign experience, in particular that of the USA, to identify the tendencies of professional choice of modern senior high school students, to investigate the prestige level of medical professions.

The main body. The article analyzes the approaches to understanding the notion “career guidance” and investigates its historical development. Foreign experience in organizing the system of career guidance in relation to socio-economic conditions of a society has been studied. The role of the Minor Academy of Sciences, profile classes, specialized competitions in professional self-identification of future applicants has been proved. The main tendencies in the formation of the value system of senior high school students have been determined; certain aspects of career guidance in Ukraine and Poland have been specified.

Conclusions. The research has proven that the system of career guidance in Ukraine and modern society in general requires the use of new approaches in response to globalization and informatization process. The study of the prestige of professions in the process of individual development, the creation of comparative characteristics of the value system of the youth in different countries, the impact of multicultural environment, the search for psychological and pedagogical laws of professional choice are the most actual issues of further scientific research.


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How to Cite

Vykhrushch, A. V., Horpinich, T. I., & Smyla, J. (2019). OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE AMONG HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. Medical Education, (1), 154–160. https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2019.1.10099



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