
  • Y. M. Lukash Державний заклад “Луганський державний медичний університет”, м. Рубіжне



Ключові слова:

компетенція, професійна та комунікативна компетентність, майбутні лікарі, діагностика


The aim of the work – to investigate the results of the diagnostics of the level of formation of the professional and communicative competence of future doctors.

The main body. The criteria and indices, which are used to validate the results, are outlined. Defining the criteria and indices of the formation of professional and communicative competence of future doctors made it possible to differentiate three levels of its formation: high, average and low. The control (CG – 232 students) and experimental (EG – 224 students) groups of students were selected for the participating in the diagnostic work.

Conclusions. The results of the study indicated the insufficient level of professional and communicative competence of future doctors. Therefore, it is worth focusing on the improvement of such indices of the formation of the professional and communicative competence of the future doctors which promote the effectiveness of the professional and communicative process of interaction.


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Як цитувати

Lukash, Y. M. (2019). ДІАГНОСТИКА РІВНЯ СФОРМОВАНОСТІ ПРОФЕСІЙНО-КОМУНІКАТИВНОЇ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ МАЙБУТНІХ ЛІКАРІВ. Медична освіта, (1), 140–147. https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2019.1.10098



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