students, basics of psychology, education standards, strategy of reformsAbstract
The aim of the work – assessment of the students’ needs in the discipline of Bases of Psychology and the search for ways to restore the teaching of this discipline in the context of the strategy of medical education development in Ukraine.
The main body. Ukraine’s medical education has to prepare high-level specialists to provide quality medical care. The list of educational disciplines and competencies is approved by the standards of medical education. The current standard had moved the discipline of Basics of Psychology to students in the field of knowledge Health 22, in specialty of Medicine 222, Stomatology 221 from compulsory disciplines to disciplines that should be selected. The article provides data on the survey of 482 students of the III and IV courses trained in the specialty of Medicine, in particular 113 students – citizens of other countries who studied this discipline according to the previous standard. Most of the polled students (98.5 %) believe that in the higher medical school needs to study the discipline of Basics of Psychology, and 81.3 % of the respondents claim that this discipline should be mandatory.
Conclusions. The study concluded that there was a need for a timely revision of the standards of higher education, in particular taking into account the views of students, and proposed to return the discipline of Basics of Psychology to compulsory disciplines.
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