propaedeutics of internal medicine, competence, integration, skills, self-developmentAbstract
The aim of the work – to determine the perspective ways of implementing the competence approach in teaching Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine.
The main body. Modernization of the traditional educational process at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine requires not only the formation of general and professional competences of a student, but also the review of the teacher’s work. The personal characteristics of the modern teacher, the main directions of his pedagogical activity, various types of competence and ways to achieve them are considered. The necessity of students’ self-development while mastering professional skills is substantiated already at the initial stage of clinical training.
Conclusions. Competence approach to teaching Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine involves a close relationship in definition and formation of competencies for teacher and student. The ability to initiate and ensure gradual professional self-development of the student becomes the basic component of teacher’s professionalism.
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