Requirements for article design

It is accepted only those manuscripts which have not been published, reviews of new publications, and reports on scientific events, which meet the journal’s scope and the modern state of science. The editors do not consider descriptive and review articles, as well as those that are not of scientific interest and do not contain significant conclusions.

An author can publish only one article in an issue. The number of co-authors should not exceed three people. The editors encourage articles in English.

The article’s presentation should be clear, concise, and the text should be well-formulated without repetitions. The article’s author is responsible for the accuracy of the data presented and correct citation and references.

The article’s volume is 8-12 pages (Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing – 1.5, all margins – 2 cm, paragraph – 1 cm). Formatting paragraphs with intervals (spaces) or tabs is not allowed.

Article structure:

UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) is placed before the article’s title, on a separate line, in the upper left corner. The UDC index is determined by the author.

Information about the author(s) should be provided in Ukrainian and English: initials and surname(s), affiliation; the line below – ORCID (, ResearcherID (, Scopus Author ID (if any). The author determines ORCID, ResearcherID, and Scopus Author ID independently.

Article title. Avoid complicated pseudo-scientific terminology in the title. In capital letters, separate paragraph, indented first line, and centered. Submitted in Ukrainian and English.

The abstract should be in Ukrainian and English (at least 1800 characters with spaces in each abstract) following the requirements of scientometric databases.

Keywords – words from the text which have a semantic load from the standpoint of information retrieval. Keywords are given in Ukrainian and English (at least three and no more than seven).

An empirical article should comprise the following components: introduction; research objective; research methods; research results; conclusions and prospects for further research.

A theoretical article should comprise the following structural elements: introduction; research objective; theoretical part; conclusions and prospects for further research.

All parts of the article should be bolded.

The list of references should be presented in two separate blocks.

Block 1 (Bibliography) is arranged alphabetically and numbered, presented in the language of the cited sources, first in Cyrillic, then in Latin; it is drawn up following DSTU 8302:2015 “Information and Documentation. Bibliographic references. General Provisions and Rules of Compilation”. When making in-text citation, its number should be indicated in square brackets according to the bibliography list.

Block 2 (References) is necessary for the correct indexing of the article’s citations by scientometric and search engines; it duplicates the above list in Latin and provides Cyrillic sources in transliterated form and translated into English. The list is numbered and formatted under the international bibliographic standard APA.

Prohibition on using the aggressor state’s scholarly papers:

It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list Russian-language publications published in any country, including papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.

Additional requirements for article text:

- tables and figures should be referenced in the text;

- tables should have titles (above the table, in a separate paragraph of the text, without indentation);

- figures should be followed by captions (under the figure, in a separate paragraph, centered, indented; the caption should not be an element of the figure); the figures are numbered in the order of in-text citations;

- all illustrations, graphs, and tables should be centered, following the content (not at the end);

- all measures (units of various quantities, numerical data) must comply with the International System of Units (SI).

Requirements for References

Example of an article’s design