future physicians, communication, communicative competence, empathy, self-presentation strategies, nonverbal signals, communicative trainingAbstract
The aim of the work – to diagnose future doctors’ communicative competence.
The main body. The success of a specialist in medicine is determined both by professional knowledge, skills, experience, medical ethics and the ability of their practical implementation due to certain personal characteristics. In the structure of communicative competence we distinguish communicative self-control, tolerance, empathy, a wish to help and for cooperation, orientation to social benefits. The article describes the main theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept “communicative competence of the future doctor”, presents the results of diagnostics of this person-professional formation, describes the indicative content of communicative training exercises for students of medical universities. The emphasis is put on the necessity of forming of active listening skills, empathy, productive strategies of self-presentation of a doctor for the successful fulfillment of his professional duties, for creating trusting relationships between a physician and a patient, for the formation of the authority of the physician.
Conclusion. It is proved that purposeful systematic work on the formation of the communicative competence of the future physician influences the changes of the types of communicative reactions, development of empathy, the communicative self-control of students of the medical university.
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