prevention of burnout, medical students.Abstract
The aim of the work – to substantiate prevention measures for burnout syndrome among medical students.
The main body. It has been established that 37.7 % of students had burnout, almost one third of them (27.8 %) had an average level of burnout, 5.2 % had high one, and another 4.8 % had a critical level of burnout.
Students with burnout more often than their colleagues without symptoms of this syndrome assessed the relationship in the student environment as conflicting and more rarely indicated that they are loved and are needed in their family (16.8 % vs. 9.6 % and 66.7 % vs. 83.4 %, respectively, р<0.05).
It was shown that emotional burnout of medical students is often accompanied by the presence of bad health habits (64.2–75.0 %), irregular and inappropriate nutrition (71.6 %), unsatisfactory psychological (64.2 %) and physical (44.2 %) condition.
It was found that students with burnout more often than those without syndrome observed that stress was consistently associated with their lives – 64.2 % vs. 35.7 %, respectively (p <0.001) and, despite the high level of awareness of need for psychological care among such students (73.7 %), only 6.3 % got it and almost half (48.9 %) did not know where to get it.
Conclusion. To prevent the emotional burnout among medical students it is necessary to develop a set of measures aimed at creating
a favorable educational environment and it is necessary to obtain the possibility of qualified psychotherapeutic care.
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