emotional burnout, prevention program, postgraduate education in psychiatry.Abstract
The aim of the work – to substantiate the feasibility of using educational program to prevent emotional burnout in medical staff.
The main body. An important factor in optimizing preventive measures for the emotional burnout syndrome among practitioners of health is postgraduate education. At the Department of Psychiatry, the postgraduate education faculty of the DMA, the educational program was developed and implemented in the pedagogical process, the purpose of which is the primary prevention of emotional burnout in medical staff. During training, psychiatric doctors receive information about the professional crisis of a doctor’s personality, factors of professional success, behavioral strategies in the professional environment and in a crisis situation, as well as programs for the prevention and correction of burnout.
Conclusions. In the work the study of connection of burnout development with work experience, article, anxiety, coping strategies and personality traits of medical personnel, as well as research on the prevention of burnout in the event of an increase in the professional level of the doctor and changes in the profession. The educational program for the prevention of emotional burnout from psychiatrists is an important source of increasing the effectiveness of preventive measures in healthcare workers.
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