
  • O. M. Ilnitskaya Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • V. Yu. Katerynyuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • О. G. Katerynyuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • N. D. Horob Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



postgraduate education, postgraduate education of medical workers in state health care institutions of Ukraine, programs of postgraduate education of doctors, advanced training courses, qualified specialists.


The aim of the work to reveal the legal regulation of postgraduate education of doctors in public health care institutions in Ukraine, which affects the legal competence of doctors.

The main body. The article reveals the essence of postgraduate medical education, its purpose, tasks and directions of activity as the basis of postgraduate training of medical workers in state health care institutions of Ukraine in order to improve their qualifications. The issue of the program of postgraduate education of doctors is considered, which includes educational courses that act as a system-forming factor in disclosing the essence of the right to health care and are, in turn, aimed at the formation of a competent medical worker capable of continuous updating of professional skills. Also, comparisons of postgraduate medical education in the public and private sectors have been made, the common and distinct between them and the prerogatives of postgraduate education of healthcare workers in state health care institutions of Ukraine is shown, which is to deepen, expand and update professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

Conclusion. The system of state management of medical education can be defined as a holistic, hierarchical, interconnected set of managerial relations regarding the implementation of certain subjects of structurally distributed functions of state influence on the content, form, condition, processes, results and priorities of the development of medical education.

Author Biography

O. M. Ilnitskaya, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



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How to Cite

Ilnitskaya, O. M., Katerynyuk, V. Y., Katerynyuk О. G., & Horob, N. D. (2018). ACTUALITY OF POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION OF MEDICAL WORKERS IN STATE HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS OF UKRAINE (Message 2). Medical Education, (3).



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