student, professional competence, efficiency, future doctor.Abstract
The aim of the work – to assess the value of students’ professional competence, the formation of criteria for evaluating their achievements, and readiness for future medical activities.
The main body. In our study, it is necessary to find out the content of the concept of “professional competence of the future doctor”. The analysis of the content of definitions of the concepts of “competence” and “competence” leads us to an understanding of the essence of these concepts, which is important for the construction of a model of a competent graduate of a higher medical school, the formation of criteria for assessing the achievements of students, their readiness for future activities of the doctor. Formation of professional competence in the context of the psychology of personality of the future physician’s formation requires the substantiation of the integrated model and improvement of the content, structure, forms and methods of professional training of students for the implementation of medical activities, definition of psychological and pedagogical conditions for improving professional competence. The theoretical analysis allowed us to use the model and include in it all necessary, in our opinion, professional qualities as components of the professional competence of the future doctor.
Conclusion. The materials of professional competence of the future doctor presented by us are an important component of the theoretical and practical preparation of the student on the basis of personal and professional qualities; the state of the formation of the professional knowledge, skills and skills necessary for the doctor’s future work.
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