practical skills, endoscopic surgery.Abstract
The aim of the work – improving the mastering of practical skills at studying of endoscopic surgical interventions.
The main body. A pedagogical experiment was conducted with two groups of doctors who studied endoscopic surgery. The first group after getting acquainted with the theory of endoscopic surgery and proceeded to perform endoscopic operations on animals. The second group, after studying the theory, trained in the training room and proceeded to animal surgery. It was established that physicians of the first group committed 27.5 % of errors in performing operations and manipulations on animals, while the second group was 11.25 % of mistakes.
Conclusion. The obtained results of the conducted research indicate that most of the adequately and fully mastered practical skills in endoscopic surgery, doctors who study in stages with the development of the necessary minimum theoretical knowledge, the development of practical skills in the training room, conducting surgical interventions on experimental animals and a detailed analysis of the admitted errors during operations, complications, effects in different periods of the postoperative period and surgical corrective actions to eliminate them.References
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