basics of rational nutrition, nutritiology, teaching methods.Abstract
The aim of the work – to analyze the main factors determining the importance of students studying the subject “Basics of rational nutrition”, to identify methods and means of training aimed at improving teaching of the subject, which are used at the Department of Children’s Diseases with Pediatric Surgery, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University.
The main body. Taking into account that nutrition is an important factor not only in human health, but also a determining factor in the treatment program for virtually all diseases, the study of the subject “Basics of rational nutrition” is important for the future medical specialist of practically any specialty. To ensure the improvement of medical education, there is a need to improve the teaching of scienti c materials to medical students at the departments of higher education. The curriculum allocates a limited number of hours for mastering the discipline “Basics of rational nutrition”, which is why teachers conduct a constant search for modern methods of teaching discipline that will help improve the mastery of theoretical and practical material. The main focus during the classes, in addition to discussing the topic, solving situational problems, discussions and drawing up the menu, is given to the greater contact of students with patients. It enables to broaden the students’ communicative abilities, in practice, to master the peculiarities of the collection of food history, under the supervision of a teacher to compile a menu and to give recommendations for rational and therapeutic nutrition for patients of different age groups with certain diseases. This provides an opportunity to expand the competence of future specialists and improve the training of future specialists in the eld of “Human Health”.
Conclusion. Increasing the interest of medical students in studying the discipline “Basics of rational nutrition” will improve the quality of providing medical care to patients in the future.
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