laboratory class, pathmorphology, autopsy.Abstract
The aim of the work – to develop a methodology for conducting classes in a sectional room, which will allow students to be involved and motivated to study a clinical case involving an autopsy, and to more objectively evaluate theoretical training and practical skills at its completion; evaluate the opinion of students of the rst and second course, regarding their attitude to different methods of conducting classes on pathomorphology. In addition, to conduct a survey of students, who taught the subject “Pathomorphology”, regarding their attitude to various methods of conducting lessons from the subject, and to analyze its results.
The main body. We proposed the technique of laboratory class with evaluation of achieved knowledge and skills. The general purpose of this approval was the improving of students’ observing work quality in an autopsy room. We developed the methodological materials in form of simpli ed questionnaire blank for autopsy report, which in its turn was adapted for third-year students.
Conclusions. This method stimulates the observation skills during the autopsy. It either comprises the writing assessment of knowledge and skills that are related to the current case. Attendance of educational autopsies helps medical students in clinical-pathological comparison, in more profound understanding of pathologies, and improves their quali cation.
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