innovative educational activity, interactive forms of education, higher educational institutions, educational process, quest-technologies, medical education, the simplest.Abstract
The aim of thе work – to substantiate the feasibility of using quest-technologies in order to diversify the educational process, activate cognitive activity, expand the sphere of interests of students of medical universities of Ukraine.
The main body. In the process of working with students it is most appropriate to involve such forms of joint discussion of the problem and the development of a general solution that allows not only to express their opinions, views and assessments, but also to hear the arguments of the partner, sometimes to abandon their point of view or substantially change it.
Quest is one of these technologies, which teaches to find the necessary information, to analyze it, to systematize and solve the tasks. Through the conduct of the intellectual quest, or at least its elements, using thematic posters, students have the opportunity not only to check their own level of residual knowledge, to learn a lot of new interesting facts, but also can structure existing knowledge.
Conclusions. Through the conduct of the intellectual quest, or at least its elements, using thematic posters, students have the opportunity not only to check their own level of residual knowledge, to learn a lot of new interesting facts, but also can structure existing knowledge.
Although the role of the teacher during the quest is minor, but on his own should be the process of preparation and distribution of roles for students. The task of the teacher is to create favorable conditions in the group for expressing the opinion of each participant, to familiarize students with clearly defined rules of the interactive game and direct students to the right side of the development of events.
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