traumatology and orthopedics, tutorial process, foreign students.Abstract
The aim of the work – to analyze tutorial process and to improve the quality of education for English speaking students at “Traumatology and Orthopedics” course.
The main body. Paper presents analysis of tutorial process on “Taumatology and Orthopedics” students of foreign faculty of Bukovynian
State Medical University. Peculiarities of theoretical and practical study were described. It was estimated that main problems are lack of tutorial hours that were given for learning the discipline, the quantity and quality of English textbooks and methodical instructions are very low. Problems with patient’s curation are related with low level of Ukrainian language and big number of students in groups, that complicates individual approach to mastering practical skills. To resolve the abovementioned problems the distant educational course of “Traumatology and Orthopedics” was introduced. Decreasing number of students in the groups and involvement them to participate in urgent duties will improve the level of theoretical and practical knowledge, motivation and enquiring of students in Traumatology and Orthopedics and will make educational process more individually oriented. Another perspective goal is to compile and publish quality English textbooks and handbooks on “Traumatology and Orthopedics”.
Conclusions. Significant improvement of theoretical knowledge and developing the “orthopedics focus” can be achieved with application of modern distant internet-based learning technologies that helps students to improve practical skills as well. On the other hand solving number of problems, as preparing and publishing quality textbooks and methodical instructions on “Traumatology and Orthopedics” course in English, improving website of distant learning, decreasing number of students in groups will improve the quality of learning the discipline.
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