student’s scientific circle, scientific research work, operative surgery, students.Abstract
The aim of the work – to characterize a significant share of the SSC in the educational process of students of higher medical education institutions and to assess the importance of the work of the scientific circle in order to form qualified scientific and practical staff who would work for the benefit of the patient and our state.
The main body. The article deals with the main aspects of the organization and activities of the students’ scientific circle at the Department of Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery. Purposeful involvement of students in an in-depth study of theoretical material, developing practical skills, as well as their active participation in research work, promotes the formation of the individual as a specialist and scientist and motivates the responsibility for the chosen field of activity. The main purpose of the students’ scientific circle is to identify the most capable and talented students, their active participation in scientific problematic studies of the department, providing the formation of theoretical, clinical and analytical thinking, increasing the efficiency of the educational process and inviting gifted students for further postgraduate cooperation. Any student may become a member of the students’ scientific circle, the head of the department manages general guidance, and current work is carried out by the scientific adviser of the circle. The lesson consists of several stages: the initial one – in the form of a mini-lecture when a teacher introduces the chosen theme, the next step is reading out by students the self-developed thematic work, the final stage is an active discussion. An important component of the students’ scientific circle is the work in the operating-rooms of the department, practice with experimental animals or corpses. The research work of participants is multi-directional: the changes of the microcirculatory channel, the state of the nervous and endocrine apparatus of the small intestine are being studied etc.
Conclusions. Students’ scientific circle is a necessary link for the formation and development of a future specialist. Students-members of the students’ scientific circle are better at mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills, compared to those students who did not attend the students’ scientific circle and did not participate in scientific work.
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