
  • N. V. Scrobach ДВНЗ “Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет”
  • O. A. Shapoval ДВНЗ “Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет”
  • V. O. Petryna ДВНЗ “Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет”
  • V. Y. Vyshyvanyuk ДВНЗ “Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет”



higher education, new educational standards, professional model, personality-oriented education, tests.


The aim of the work – to consider the main ways of improving the quality level of higher education and the application of innovative pedagogical technologies during the preparation of future specialists in the system of higher medical education.

The main body. The quality of education depends on training and teaching work. First, that there should be noted – a transition to new educational standards. Each high school academic council approved plans for educational and methodical, information and logistical support new standards of all specialties and directions.

The final goal of education can be represented as the projected model professional. The main components of this model – professional knowledge and skills, social, psychological and spiritual personality creative professional that will determine its ability to operate under market conditions, achieving results that are adequate to the requirements of social and scientific progress.

Speaking of professional models, in addition to qualification requirements, detailed in state standards, it should include characteristics such as intellectual competence, intellectual initiative, self-organization and self-regulation.

Professional development model will provide scientific justification curriculum, strategies and methods of educational work, ways of integrating the educational process and educational work, demanding in itself the principles of humanism. Implementation of these principles in accordance with the model graduate will form the core of future specialists such qualities requires new century, a new millennium.

Personality-oriented education aims at the development and self-identity of the learner, based on its individual characteristics, and gives him the right to choose their own path of study. This model of education is presented in a series of technologies and subjects.

Personality-oriented education paradigm determines the development of new theoretical and methodological principles of educational construction systems. Their implementation requires special efforts on their technologizing. Structurally-technological form of education organization-centered concept can serve as a model on learning (developmental, productive, enriching, etc.).

Conclusions. One of the main tasks at the present stage of modernization of higher medical education in Ukraine is the introduction of a competent approach. The solution of this problem is possible subject to the change of pedagogical techniques and the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies.

Author Biography

N. V. Scrobach, ДВНЗ “Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет”



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How to Cite

Scrobach, N. V., Shapoval, O. A., Petryna, V. O., & Vyshyvanyuk, V. Y. (2018). THE WAYS OF IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION. Medical Education, (1).



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