
  • I. O. Rohalskyy Тернопільський ДМУ ім І.Я. Горбачевського
  • N. M. Kalyniuk Тернопільський ДМУ ім І.Я. Горбачевського



medical law, education, teaching, training course.


The aim of the work – to study the peculiarities of Medical Law of Ukraine teaching for medical students.

The main body. The article deals with the problem points of Medical Law of Ukraine teaching for students of non-legal specialties, in particular for medical students. Some aspects of the medical law curriculum have been analyzed. The necessity of improving methods and technologies of teaching medical law for medical students is substantiated. It is determined that the domestic legal and regulatory framework has provisions regulating the rights of citizens in the  eld of health care. However, the European integration vector of our country’s development, the increase of interstate exchanges, the development of market relations, requires the study and revision of domestic law, taking into account the best world experience of the participation of professional and non-governmental organizations in the protection of the rights of medical workers and patients, obliges scholars and legislators to improve the regulatory framework in the  eld of health care. Introduction and study of it in higher educational institutions will ensure the implementation of medical law in the system of law of Ukraine.

Conclusions. It has been proved that the academic discipline Medical Law of Ukraine includes the norms of other branches of law regulating social relations, participants of which are medical workers and patients. This allows medical students to study and know the basics of constitutional, civil, administrative, criminal law.

Author Biographies

I. O. Rohalskyy, Тернопільський ДМУ ім І.Я. Горбачевського

Кафедра педіатрії ННІ ПО, доцент

N. M. Kalyniuk, Тернопільський ДМУ ім І.Я. Горбачевського

Завідувач кафедри, Кафедра медичного права


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How to Cite

Rohalskyy, I. O., & Kalyniuk, N. M. (2018). PECULIARITIES OF MEDICAL LAW TEACHING FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS. Medical Education, (1).



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