
  • T. O. Petrushanko Ukrainian Medical Stomatology Academy, Poltava
  • E. V. Nikolishуna Ukrainian Medical Stomatology Academy, Poltava
  • N. M. Ilenko Ukrainian Medical Stomatology Academy, Poltava
  • I. Yu. Popovich Ukrainian Medical Stomatology Academy, Poltava
  • I. Yu. Litovchenko Ukrainian Medical Stomatology Academy, Poltava




practical skills, out-of-class work.


The aim of the work – to  analyze the essence of the student’s independent work as an integral part of the professional training of future dentists, and also to highlight the experience of its organization and carrying out at the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatology Academy.

The main body. To improve the educational level of training highly qualified specialists and rise up their intellectual and creative potential, the educational process should be constantly rationalized by enchanced the content, forms and methods of educational and cognitive activity of students of higher educational institutions. With the restriction of classroom time, there is a need for training in out-of-class work. Measures of out-of-class work on the development of the personality of the future doctor and the training of a professional-oriented specialist are the selection of conduct of Ukrainian student competition for the best practical work “Specialist”, as well as individual and group phantom studies.

Conclusion. Practically oriented type of out-of-class work allows each student to develop manual skills, promotes the maximum development of individual creative abilities and finally leads to improving the quality and level of training of future specialists.

Author Biography

T. O. Petrushanko, Ukrainian Medical Stomatology Academy, Poltava

доцент кафедри терапевтичної стоматології


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How to Cite

Petrushanko, T. O., Nikolishуna E. V., Ilenko, N. M., Popovich, I. Y., & Litovchenko, I. Y. (2018). EXPERIENCE OF OUT-OF-CLASS WORK WITH STUDENTS AT THE THERAPEUTIC STOMATOLOGY DEPARTMENT. Medical Education, (1). https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2018.1.8279



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