continuous medical education, informational technologies, district pediatricians.Abstract
The aim of the study is to share the experience and views on improving methods of continuous medical education under health care reform.
The main body. The article deals with the problem of district pediatricians continuous education and to set out own reading of educational process optimization. The educational process optimization is specified by valuable intentional aspects of doctor training, application of effective pedagogical methods, wide implementation of informational technologies. It allows doctor to use education services directly at working place or at home, to improve level of individualization and differentiation of training, to improve motivation, and also to decrease financial dependence that is just as important nowadays. Under heltcare reform it is desirable, that cycles of advanced thematic training are short-time: 5, 10, 14 days, and their amount are not restricted during the year.
Subjects of the advanced thematic training of district pediatricians must be aimed at children health preventive, maintenance and strengthening and oriented to evidence-based medicine. This kind of approach is going to promote high-quality training of highly experienced specialists, forming his professional competency at all the stages of continuous professional development.
Using modern computer equipment and teaching aids (right amount of computers, interactive boards, simulators, Smart-system for interactive testing), the introduction of advanced teaching techniques, methods and technologies contributes the necessary level of knowledge of pediatricians.
During cycles (including on-site ones) binary lectures, which increase the effectiveness of learning material assimilation and promote students’ activeness are held; the elements of distance learning platform based on Moodle KhMAPE (moodle.med.edu.ua) with additional review sessions on Skype at the Center of Distance Education of Academy are used.
Looking forward, in conditions of concurrent education environment, it will be possible «to make free choice of educational establishment, education form (courses, internship, e-Learning)». District pediatricians will choose and estimate the work of medical educational organization by themselves corresponding to given education service.
Conclusions. Information technologies for medical education optimize and increase the effectiveness of continuous modern pediatrician professional development. The introduction of new advanced methods into district doctors’ medical education promotes new thinking, increases interest and satisfaction with the educational process.References
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