Communication skills forming in health workers for solving of bioethical dilemmas in medicine practice


  • N. M. Volkova Тернопільський державний медичнрй університет імені І.Я. Горбачевського
  • N. Yu. Strubitska



The health of the population of Ukraine is complicated by the spread of HIV / AIDS , tuberculosis, cancer, rising levels of childhood
disability. These patients in terminal stages of their pathology need palliative care, which often requires from medical personnel to
resolve physical, psychological and spiritual problems of the patient, using a bioethical approach. In literature, there is very little
data on the emotional intelligence of students who study medicine. However, reform of the modern healthcare industry puts high
demands on the professional competence of future specialists. The aim was to investigate the psychological qualities of medical
students working as volunteers in medicine, particularly their empathic abilities, state of emotional intelligence, which is the basis
of effective communication in medical practice. It is advisable to develop curricula for medical students, including practical tasks,
based on typical situations of ethical choice in medical practice that develop emotional intelligence and communication skills.

Author Biographies

N. M. Volkova, Тернопільський державний медичнрй університет імені І.Я. Горбачевського

N. Yu. Strubitska


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How to Cite

Volkova, N. M., & Strubitska, N. Y. (2015). Communication skills forming in health workers for solving of bioethical dilemmas in medicine practice. Medical Education, (4).



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