future doctorʼs speech competence, linguodidactic principles, principles and methods of teachingAbstract
The article defines the content of the concept of “future doctorʼs speech competence” as an integral quality of a medical student, which is manifested in the general ability and readiness to use language means, the laws of their functioning for the construction and understanding of speech utterances in the context of professional activity of doctors; the linguodidactic principles of development of future doctorsʼ speech competence are substantiated. These include the laws of mother tongue acquisition that contribute to the intensive development of communicative and linguistic skills; general didactic and specific principles that determine the direction in the development of means of developing linguistic skills; forms, methods and techniques that correspond to the main forms of work in higher education; teaching aids, the use of which affects the effectiveness of the content of education. It is noted that the development of future doctorsʼ speech competence can be carried out using the following methods of language teaching: oral presentation by the teacher (narration, explanation, lecture), conversation, work with a textbook, observation and analysis of language phenomena, exercise method, programmed learning and interactive methods. The following interactive learning methods have become valuable for the development of medical students’ language competence: work in small groups, imitation, simulation, discussion, microphone, talk shows, rotating groups. All these methods combine into one whole the activities of the teacher and students, which are aimed at improving language knowledge, developing communicative and speech skills, allow to manage studentsʼ cognitive activity productively and realize educational, educational, developmental, motivational, control and correctional functions of learning in a higher education institution
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