


therapeutic stomatology, orthopedic stomatology, pediatric dentistry, case study method of teaching students


The basis of pedagogical activity is the correct choice of learning technologies. Pedagogical novelties, no matter how proven they are, cannot be mastered without the necessary organization of innovation processes. One of the active learning technologies during practical classes in therapeutic, orthopedic and children's dentistry is the technology of analyzing clinical situations. Analysis of specific clinical situations is one of the most effective and widespread methods of organizing the active cognitive activity of students. The method of analyzing specific situations (case method) develops the ability to analyze life and professional tasks; helps to develop the competence and ability of higher education applicants to compete, stimulates and encourages them to self-development. The teacherʼs work on the case involves pre-auditory work on the case (composing the case) and classroom work (conducting the case with students in class). During the pre-audit work, the teacher must prepare a collection of cases that will meet the tasks of a specific course, taking into account the requirements for certain clinical situations. For the effective work of applicants, it is necessary to think through homework, which will involve either preparing a question for a specific situation, or a written analysis of the case itself. It is also possible to offer a review of additional literature on problems related to a specific situation. Great attention should be paid to organizational aspects: prepare a sufficient number of texts of the case itself, so that each applicant can receive it in a few days for independent processing; provide other handout; think through the material and technical support for the work of the training group (results of additional methods of examining patients, orthopantomograms, technical means, etc.); to think over the distribution of time (especially for work in the classroom).



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How to Cite

Drevnytska, R. O., Boykiv, A. B., & Avdeev, O. V. (2024). PROSPECTS OF USING CASE METHODS OF EDUCATION IN DENTAL DISCIPLINES. Medical Education, (3), 77–81.

