



Herbartians pedagogy, teacher training, teacher education, pedagogues-Herbartians’ activity, theory and practice


The article analyzes Herbartians pedagogy and the activities of educational institutions in the light of Herbartianism; retraces the main factors of training teachers of relevant qualifications at higher educational institutions, design and development of curricula and textbooks in pedagogy, publication of research results of pedagogues-Herbartians’ research work in scientific journals; points out the Herbartians’ traditions in the symbiotic training of a teacher run both by the state and by the church.

The central idea of Herbartianism was the conviction that the purpose of education was the development of “ethical character”. Herbartianism pedagogy was never a monolith pedagogic theory, and the attitude to Herbartianism, criticised for schematism, formalism and dogmaticism, has always been ambiguous. Different schools within Herbartianism had strong disagreements, which were hearkened back to different attitudes towards Herbart and his theory.

Author Biographies

N. O. Fedchyshyn, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

Scopus Author ID 57202833382

H. I. Klishch, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

Scopus Author ID 57202834170

S. I. Hnatyshyn, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

Scopus Author ID 57430481100


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How to Cite

Fedchyshyn, N. O., Klishch, H. I., & Hnatyshyn, S. I. (2023). TEACHER TRAINING: MODEL OF HERBARTINIANISM. Medical Education, (3), 112–120. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2023.3.14277

