



future doctors, responsibility, values, professional ethics, medical deontology, motivation, self-development


The article presents the results of a study of the professional responsibility of future medical students. The professional responsibility of the future doctor is a personal and professional quality of a specialist in the medical field, which arises on the basis of knowledge about the norms and rules of professional activity on the basis of professional ethics, is manifested in a conscientious attitude to the performance of professional functions, in a conscious acceptance of the values ​​of the profession, in experiencing a sense of guilt for improper performance of production functions and the ability to mobilize efforts to preserve the life and health of patients. In the structure of professional responsibility, we distinguish cognitive, motivational, value, and activity components.

The cognitive component is revealed through such criteria and indicators as awareness of the norms of a doctor’s professional ethics, knowledge of the basics of medical deontology, the ability to analyze the causes and consequences of one’s own actions, awareness of the need to act in accordance with job instructions and professional requirements, satisfaction with the choice of a doctor’s profession; awareness of responsibility for one's actions in front of patients, their relatives, colleagues, society. The motivational and value component of professional responsibility reflects the presence of moral and ethical positions of the future doctor, a positive personal attitude to the moral and ethical norms of medical activity, orientation to the values ​​of humanism, the preservation of the health and life of each person, internal motivation to comply with the principles and norms of medical deontology, striving for success in patient treatment, self-development in the profession. The active component of the professional responsibility of the future doctor is manifested in the formation of practical skills to establish socially acceptable relationships with patients and colleagues based on the principles of medical deontology, in the ability to self-control responsible actions and voluntarily stop actions that contradict the norms of professional ethics.

The results of the diagnosis of the professional responsibility of future doctors – students of the 3rd – 5th year of medical higher educational institutions revealed a low level of formation of the motivational-value and activity components of the studied quality, which gives reason to talk about the need for special work on the development of responsibility at the stage of professional training. An essential role in the development of the professional responsibility of future doctors should be assigned to the participation of students in research work, public activities, involvement in volunteer activities, charitable actions and events based on health care institutions.


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How to Cite

Dronenko, V. G., & Tkach, A. A. (2023). DIAGNOSTICS OF THE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FUTURE DOCTOR. Medical Education, (3), 46–53. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2023.3.14271

