


academic performance, factors, motivation, students


The training of successful and competitive specialists in the higher education system remains relevant. At present, lifelong education and the choice of an individual trajectory consisting of a set of educational services are declared. Therefore, the success of his educational activities and the quality of education become important for a student who is ready to fully realize his potential. Since academic performance is an important component not only for students, but also for educational institutions and countries of the world, therefore, the definition and identification of factors that affect the academic performance of students is also important.

Factors associated with student success at a higher education institution include individual, social, and institutional characteristics. However, there is very little scientific data on the identification of significant factors in the available literature, especially in the case of countries with an average and low income level, which includes Ukraine. Generally, academic performance is associated with achieving the highest overall GPA as a primary indicator, although students' family background, educational environment, and financial circumstances are also critical factors affecting academic performance. In addition, the motivation and relationship between teachers and students is also directly related to the achievement of their academic goals. Academic performance is influenced by gender, previous performance, place of residence and family income, social environment, average grade at school, score obtained on the national university entrance exam, time spent studying, ability to study, place of residence during university life, language skills, adaptation to learning methodology, student-teacher relationships, learning skills, psychological factors.

Among the most important factors of academic success of higher education students are regular study, conscientious attendance of classes and completion of tasks, which are considered the result of constant work, as well as motivation and perseverance in achieving the set goals and conscious self-regulation.


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How to Cite

Duzhych, N. V., Mialiuk, O. P., & Marushchak, M. I. (2023). ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING ACADEMIC SUCCESS. Medical Education, (3), 54–61.

