


medical education, simulation training, student


Simulation in medical education is a modern technology of teaching and assessment of practical skills, abilities and knowledge, based on realistic modeling, simulation of a clinical situation or a separate physiological system, for which biological, mechanical, electronic and virtual (computer) models can be used. The purpose of the work was to conduct an analysis of the modern possibilities of organizing simulation training when studying the discipline of “Obstetrics and Gynecology” in the conditions of a simulation center. Simulation learning is an effective tool for improving theoretical and clinical skills and allows students to develop key clinical competencies, especially those that are difficult to achieve during internships or in settings with limited learning experiences, communication, teamwork and critical thinking.

To develop practical skills, in addition to medical equipment, it is possible to use modern electronic textbooks, study guides, anatomical models, phantoms - simulators of practical skills, mannequins, intensive care units. Therefore, simulation experience provides an effective approach to teaching and learning, as it allows students to become active and fully engaged in a safe and controlled environment.

For the full mastery of practical skills, teaching aids should simulate the pathological condition of the patient and the clinical situation as realistically as possible. Under these conditions, the actions of the future doctor are performed in a situation imitating the real one, using special tools. In order to ensure the implementation of the latest interactive learning technologies, simulation centers are created in the higher medical educational institution, in which conditions the real process of the doctor's activity is reproduced, which allows students to systematize theoretical knowledge and form the necessary professional skills of teamwork. Simulations also benefit educators by giving them a better opportunity to assess students in a safe environment.


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How to Cite

Motsiuk, Y. B., Ostafiychuk, S. O., & Basiuha, I. O. (2023). THE USE OF SIMULATION TEACHING METHODS IN THE STUDY OF THE DISCIPLINE “OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY”. Medical Education, (3), 73–78.

