


distance learning, higher medical education, educational information environment, future specialists in the medical field, professional activity, independent work, quality of education


Abstract. The rapid development of society and intensification of innovation processes in the education system of Ukraine require a significant reorganization of modern higher medical education, a rethinking of values, goals and means of activity, and a departure from traditional learning paradigms. There is an urgent need for its modernization, which would ensure the preparation of modern doctors at a high professional level, as well as a change in the structure and technology of such preparation. Therefore, the educational process is being reoriented and a competency-based approach is being introduced in the training of future medical professionals.

In the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic, the educational process has acquired a fundamentally different character, and distance learning has become the only optimal form of work for both teachers and higher education students. This form of learning has ensured the continuity of education and allowed for a qualitatively new level of provision of educational services.

Recently, more and more educational institutions in Ukraine have been directing their organizational activities towards the formation of such an educational environment, the conditions of which could ensure the effective activities of learning subjects and maximum assistance in improving the quality of learning and teaching. The article substantiates the organization of the educational process at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, specifically on the example of the Department of Microbiology, Virology, and Immunology, and discusses the structural components of the educational-information environment. The importance of independent work as the basis of the educational process during distance learning is demonstrated. The main advantages and disadvantages of this form of learning are highlighted, and the prospects for further development of medical education are outlined, taking into account the specificity of the healthcare industry and the challenges it poses to doctors in their professional activities.


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How to Cite

Horbatiuk, R. M., Volch, I. R., Mykhailyshyn, H. I., & Bukata, V. V. (2023). TRAINING OF FUTURE DOCTORS IN INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN CONDITIONS OF DISTANCE EDUCATION . Medical Education, (2), 18–24.

