didactics, periodization, didactic culture, system, developmentAbstract
Abstract.The article deals with topical issues of the didactic systems’ develop-ment. It has been singled out the difficulties peculiar to modern didactics i.e.insufficient number of anthologies of the relevant direction, monographs devoted to the history of national didactics, analytical assessment of advantages and disadvantages of integral thinking, methodology of intellectual education, pedagogical personality, didactics of higher school. Seven periods in the development of didactics have been characterized (ethnodidactics, religious didactics, philosophical, university one, pedagogical and psychological, informational, integral didactics). In the process of periodization, the regional, state, multistate (for example, European) and world levels are distinguished. Using the example of iatrogenesis, the need for such a phenomenon as didactogenesis, which is caused by a low level of didactic culture, is emphasized. Every year, the need for a new generation of didactic textbooks ncreases, the authors of which will be able to reach the level of regularities of mental education at various stages of personal development, take into account the achievements of predecessors and the experience of othercountries, offer qualitatively new approaches to structural, functional, theoretical models, the principles of self-improvement, pedeutology, theoretical foundations of teaching and learning.
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