



distance education, medical education, medical biology, information and communication technologies, students of higher education


The article discusses the problem of using distance learning in a higher education institution at the current stage. The main principles of distance education, methodological features of its introduction into the educational process of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University are formulated. The work presents the opportunities that distance learning opens up for all participants of the educational process, considers the main principles and theories of distance learning, analyzes the latest platforms and methods for implementing the idea of distance learning, which are accompanied by the active introduction of information technologies into the educational process. Activation of the cognitive activity of students of higher education is also a necessary condition for the formation of theoretical knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for the professional activity of the future doctor. The article analyzes the effectiveness and prospects of using teaching aids for the organization of students' educational activities during the study of the discipline “Medical Biology”. The results of the analysis of the scientific literature regarding the issues in the distance education system, as well as directions for solving the issues of ensuring its quality, obtained within the framework of higher education, are described.

Author Biography

I. I. Medvid, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID O-8225-2017
Scopus Author ID 55820358800


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How to Cite

Fedoniuk, L. Y., Hlyvka, N. B., & Medvid, I. I. (2023). DISTANCE EDUCATION IN THE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION WHEN STUDYING THE DISCIPLINE “MEDICAL BIOLOGY”. Medical Education, (3), 98–103. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2023.3.13915

