



personality, didactics, didactic culture, method, logic


Abstract. The article deals with topical issues of teaching methods. The peculiarities of the definition of the “didactic culture” concept are characterized. Based on the works of the authors of didactics textbooks, the problems of combining the basics of pedagogy and philosophy are considered, in particular, the study of the basics of logic by future teachers. Special attention is paid to M. Baranovskyy’s textbook, which was republished many times and enjoyed popularity among specialists. In general, books on didactics are the basis for professional training, activities, and professional development of teachers. Students get acquainted with their content and author’s approaches become a priority in further professional activities. The importance of taking into account the experience of past years, the advantages and disadvantages of the development of didactic systems has been emphasized. Prospects for further research have been outlined.

An important task for specialists in the history of pedagogy is the preparation of textbooks on the history of didactics. A series of monographic studies devoted to the search for patterns of mental education in the development of content, forms, and teaching methods from elementary school to universities is necessary. Modern comparative studies approach the search for comparative characteristics of the development of didactic systems in order to highlight the achievements of scientists of the past years and their influence on the present based on the principle of innovation. The determination by the experts of the Club of Rome as a priority task of the development of “integral thinking” implies the need to combine the best experience of the past and the present, as well as a systematic assessment of the achievements of representatives of all sciences, the center of which is the individual.


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How to Cite

Vykhrushch, A. V., & Danik, N. A. (2023). TEACHING METHODS IN THE DIDACTIC CULTURE SYSTEM OF HALYCHYNA AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 20TH CENTURY. Medical Education, (1), 132–139. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2023.1.13837

