



postgraduate education, simulation training, optimization, medical interns, practical skills


Abstract. Given the reform of postgraduate education and a significant reduction of the university part of training, the strategy for teaching interns needs to be revised, optimized, and reorganized. To this end, a number of innovations have been introduced by the Department of Therapy and Family Medicine of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education to summarize and supplement the experience gained by interns during the extramural part of their study in a short time. Special attention is paid to the analysis of interns’ duties, as well as to the analysis of complex clinical cases, which they work on and present at intra-departmental clinical conferences. Along with the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, it is equally important to integrate it into practical activities with a focus on core competencies. One of the most effective ways to learn practical skills is to train them in simulation centers. Practicing specific manipulations, providing emergency care, and learning the basic principles of communication when interacting with standardized patients allows not only to master the basic algorithms but also to analyze mistakes and difficulties that arise during work in a safe environment and with the support of a teacher. Thus, the widespread of modern teaching technologies allows us to optimize the educational process and ensure qualified training of interns


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How to Cite

Mykuliak, V. R., Levchyk, O. I., & Zhehestovska, D. V. (2023). OPTIMIZATION OF POST-GRADUATE EDUCATION AT THE DEPARTMENT OF THERAPUTICS AND FAMILY MEDICINE AS PART OF THE INTERNSHIP REFORM. Medical Education, (1), 126–131. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2023.1.13836

