learning methods, simulation, algorithm, blood groups, assessment sheetsAbstract
Abstract. The use of medical simulation in student training is associated with the development of scientific and technical progress, when modern computer technologies allowed the creation of virtual simulators. Training on robotic patient simulators allows you to assess the initial level of learning practical skills and significantly improve their quality in the learning process.
The aim of the work – to gain experience in the application of simulation training in the conditions of the educational and training center of simulation medicine in order to practice practical skills, namely the determination of the blood group of the ABO system and the Rhesus factor with the help of anti-A, anti-B and anti-D colyclons during the teaching of the discipline “General surgery”.
The formation of practical skills was carried out in close cooperation with the educational and training center of simulation medicine of the Dnipro State Medical University using simulation teaching tools in 2020–2022. 300 third-year students of the medical faculty took part in the study, of which 210 were women, 90 were men aged 20–21 years old. Students were divided into two groups. The main group (MG) is 150 people who were trained in practical skills in the conditions of the educational and training center of simulation medicine. A comparison group (CG) of 150 people took an online simulation training course in the MOODLE system. The experience of using the simulation method of teaching students can be generally assessed as positive: 60 % of the students of the State University expressed their desire to learn practical skills in the simulation center. The distance teaching format does not always contribute to the achievement of the set goal of learning practical skills. The effectiveness of studying the section - determination of blood group – was 7–8 % higher in MG students who learned practical skills in the simulation center than in CG (p<0.01), who studied remotely using the MOODLE system. The technique of using a whole blood simulator and anti-A, anti-B, and anti-D colyclone simulator allows you to repeatedly reproduce the process due to safety and simplicity, eliminates difficulties in the use and storage of biological raw materials, and significantly increases the cost-effectiveness of the procedure.
Prospects for further research include the implementation of methods in teaching students that provide safe and realistic conditions for working with biological fluids. The application of practical skills in determining blood groups using a whole blood simulator and anti-A, anti-B and anti-D colyclone simulator will allow young surgeons to avoid technical errors during hemotransfusions.
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